Purchasing info
HOW CAN I PURCHASE? CAN I MAKE MULTIPLE PURCHASES?You can purchase multiple products at the same time, from among all those made available, to save on shipping costs, which will be charged only once.Simply purchase via shopping cart multiple products and finalize your purchase by choosing the most convenient type of payment and shippingWHICHPAYMENT METHODS DO YOU ACCEPT?The payment can be made in different ways: bank transfer, paypal, credit card and cash on delivery.As soon as we have received payment, the customer will be notified, via an email, of the success of the transaction, then we will proceed to send the package to the address entered by the buyer at the time of purchase.The payment will be considered successful when we detect the ‘actual crediting of the amount.PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATAPersonal data are protected by a guarantee of confidentiality in accordance with Law 675/96 and will not be processed for management or commercial purposes.No information or part of information will be given to third parties.Any omission of data will not allow us to complete the delivery of the products for sale here.RIGHT OF WITHDRAWALPursuant to Article 5 of Legislative Decree 50 of January 15, 1992 the buyer of the product is recognized the right of withdrawal that can be exercised within 10 (ten) days after receipt of the package, by registered mail.The right of withdrawal can be exercised provided that all information obligations have been fulfilled by the buyer and the goods have been delivered; otherwise, in the case of lack of information, the withdrawal can be exercised in the following 3 months.The consumer who intends to withdraw must send within the legal terms a written notice to the geographical address of the supplier’s headquarters by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.Communication of withdrawal is also permitted by telegram, telex and facsimile provided it is accompanied by subsequent confirmation by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the next 48 hours.Please note that the responsibilities relating to risks arising from transport are borne by the buyer unless pre-agreed in writing between buyer and seller, according to the terms of the law the seller loses its obligations to the buyer at the time it delivers the goods to the carrier or third parties appointed for delivery.CONTACT USIfyour questions have not been answered, please contact us through email: info@mountitalia.it